The original name of the settlement was Véneri, perhaps because there was a temple in the area dedicated to the goddess Venus. From 1151 to 1460 it was part of the fiefdom of the Norman Sanframondo family. Later it was a possession of the Monsorio family. In the fourteenth century, records refer to it as Castrum Veneris. In 1532 the settlement had thirty-six families which grew to seventy by the end of the sixteenth century.
In 1638, Castelvenere was bought by Dr. Lelio Carfora, governor of Cerreto Sannita, on behalf of the Carafa family. The evaluation of the fiefdom of 1638 says that Castelvenere "is built on level ground with very strong walls and with ditches around it. The waters of the village flow through the valley below. You enter the village through a drawbridge on the western side where there is a beautiful wide and straight road, intersected by lanes on both sides ".


Castelvenere is located in the Sannio district, in the province of Benevento, in one of the most distinctive of Italian landscapes, the Telesina Valley. It is built on the “tufo”, the volcanic rock caused by the cyclical activities of volcanoes in the complex which includes Roccamonfina, Campi Flegrei and Vesuvius. The district extends for 15 square kilometers north-west of Benevento, the provincial capital on an uneven plain, amongst scenic hills and shady valleys, with olive trees and centuries-old and modern vineyards that surround the village.

il sottosuolo tufaceo

Castelvenere è situato nel millenario Sannio, in provincia di Benevento, in uno dei più caratteristici territori del paesaggio italiano: la Valle Telesina. Si erige su tufi riconducibili alle cicliche attività vulcaniche del Roccamonfina, dei Campi Flegrei e del Somma – Vesuvio. Il territorio comunale si estende per 15 Kmq a Nord-Ovest del capoluogo di provincia su un suolo pianeggiante e disuguale, intercalato da panoramici poggi ed ombrose valli, tra secolari e moderni vigneti ed ulivi che fanno da corona al centro storico.


Castelvenere’s main feature is the production of wine, exceptional in terms of quantity, quality and the number of existing DOC wines. The landscape is the main attraction for an unforgettable trip. Of Castelvenere’s 15 square kilometers, 11 are covered with vineyards. This means an immense heritage of vines and an immense tradition of family producers dedicated to quality agriculture over centuries. The vine is iconic throughout the Campanian landscape, but the extent of it in Castelvenere, is unique and overwhelming, so much so that we are, in percentage terms, the most vine-covered district in Campania.